GNL 2012

•February 15, 2012 • Leave a Comment

GNL 2012


•February 15, 2012 • Leave a Comment


“Ten Questions for Black Feminists Regarding the Lack of Public Discussion on the 2008 Democratic Primary Election”

•February 7, 2008 • 24 Comments

1. Why does it take Second Wave White Women Feminist to provoke Black Feminist to respond “publicly” to issues race and gender in the 2008 Presidential Election?


This is not to say that black feminists or other feminist of color are not responding to the identity politics at play in the primary season outside of second wave white feminist responses. Furthermore, this is not to say that black feminist and other feminist of color are only responding to second wave white feminist critiques only. But, it seems as if the most vocal “public” outcry from feminist of color comes when second wave white feminist weigh in such as Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan.

2. Why do black feminist “publicly” only focus on the privileges of Hillary Clinton’s white supremacist gendered identity and ignore the privileges of Barack Obama’s racialized gendered identity among black people and black womyn?

3. Why aren’t black feminists “publicly” critiquing Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy?

4. Why aren’t we willing to “publicly” critique how Barack Obama’s candidacy is framed in very heteronormative terms?

One of the main responses I’ve received from Black people when I’ve critiqued Obama’s candidacy is this idea of what Obama’s presidency will mean for “the black family.” And I will paraphrase a comment that was sent to me, “having Obama and his family in the White House will be good for black America because they are such a strong couple and it would be good to have such images for young black people to see.” For many black people, Obama exemplifies the image of a responsible, successful, professional, heterosexual black man who’s married to a strong, successful, and professional black woman who “both” are raising two black girls. This in of itself is not a bad image, however, it becomes problematic when black people consciously or unconsciously juxtapose it against how white society and black people view black families as inherently deviant—no fathers, out of wedlock children, teen mothers, emasculated black men, sexually deviant black womyn, sexually deviant black men, down-low brothers, dead-beat dads—it is something we as black feminist should dialogue about.

Obama and Michelle

5. Why is it that some black feminist fleetingly mention how misogyny is at play in the competition, but who then will write and email long in-depth critiques in response to second wave white feminist charges against Obama’s candidacy?

6. Why do we pat ourselves and our colleagues on the back for critiquing second wave white feminist who we know lack an analysis of race? Outside of publicly showing how they lack an intersectional understanding of oppression, how than does it become more constructive? What comes after the critique?

7. Why is it that some black feminist fleetingly mention how misogyny is at play in the competition, but who then will write long in-depth critiques about how racism is affecting Obama’s candidacy?

8. Why aren’t we “publicly” critiquing the racialized gendered sexualized class-based meanings behind the tee shirts, internet slogans, video, and blogs dedicated to Obama Mommas, Obama Girls, and Bro’ (Obama) before Hoe’s (Clinton)?

obama te shirtObama PantiesObama hoes
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9. Why are some feminist of color saying that identity politics is overshadowing the real issues when the issues are definitely colored by the intersection of various social identities?

10. Why is it when we ask these questions people assume we are white women and we are Hillary’s supporter?

Black woamn Black woman

Let us know what you think of these questions by commenting. To comment, please click on the comments tag next to the title of the blog entry.



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